Exterior House Painting
Exterior House Painting – all the information you need before getting started. You can take on the job yourself or hire us to take care of it for you.
Painting Freshly Plastered Walls
Allow 3 weeks for the plaster to dry before applying the first coat.
The most important factor when painting is a good undercoat.
To get the best result use an acrylic paint such as Colortrend Weather. This 100% acrylic paint gives maximum adhesion and flexibility with a breathable finish. Acrylic paints also have a high covering ability. Acrylic paint has a much longer life span than standard vinyl paints.
If your budget doesn’t stretch to using an acrylic paint we also carry a full selection of more affordable alternatives.
Water the first coat down with 1Ltr of water for every 10Ltrs of paint. This first diluted coat acts as an undercoat.
Apply the second coat neat.
Use a roller or brush to paint the walls. Give each wall two coats. When you start painting a wall, do not stop for a break until you have coated the complete wall.
Repainting an Exterior Wall
Power wash the walls before painting. Treat any mould or fungal growth on the walls. Use a fungicidal wash such as Larsens Algicide.
Use a roller or brush to paint the walls. Give each wall two coats. When you start painting a wall, do not stop for a break until you have coated the complete wall.
Suggested Shopping List
- Emulsion acrylic paint
- 5” exterior brush
- 9” long pile roller and tray
- Extension pole for roller